The Essential Sublime Text Packages for Website Developers

Which packages do you use?

1 min read

Written by
Owen Richards

Chief Product Nerd

Owen Profile

As mentioned in my introduction to HTML video, I use Sublime Text (v3 to be exact) and absolutely swear by it. We are in no way affiliated with Sublime Text. I just think it's awesome.

After trying out so many advanced text editors (Netbeans, WebStorm, Dreamweaver), Sublime was by far my favourite. The packages add some amazing functionality and you can build your setup as you want it. Make sure you already have Package Control installed. It makes doing this much simpler.

The Sublime Text Packages I Use Every Day

  • Emmet - Auto-complete and shorthand coding
  • Sidebar Enhancements - Add basic enhancements to the sidebar, including copy, paste, find and delete
  • SFTP - Easily sync your files with a remote host

Sublime Text Packages That Make Your Life Damned Easier

  • Color Highligher - Give a visual aid to the colour you're selecting in CSS files or inline styling
  • SASS - Complete support for SASS and building it
  • Sublime Linter - One of the best code linter packages
  • SVN - This is only used for my WordPress plugin development

One last thing...

If you are a Sublime Text user (which I guess you are if you're here), I recommend you set up DropBox syncing. I have two locations, and Sublime Text and DropBox syncing means that my settings and packages are always the same, wherever I am. Here's a handy I guide that I used to set it all up. **What packages do you use? Do you disagree on my Sublime Text ravings and find another IDE better? I want to hear from you.